This cake is tougher than I thought. Almost regretted I undercharged (if not for a repeat customer lah), haha...
The toughest part of this cake is the mixing of colors to get the right shade of brown, as close as the LV bag design emailed to me. I used up the whole 1 oz. container of the imported brown food paste color. It is so costly!! Moreover, that's not the only paste color I used to get this to this shade 8{
I spent hours just to get the color. Why hours? Cake designers will understand ;-)
Next tough task is the painting of the LV 'logos'. I used a mixture of 2 lustre dusts here.
As for the 'Selamat Bertunang' wordings they were painted with bronze lustre dust. The zipper and buttons were painted with silver lustre dust while the buckles were painted with gold lustre dust.
1.5-recipe Classic Vanilla Buttercake with fondant.
Customer's feedback:
The cake was so pretty they didn't want to eat it :-) They only ate it after 3 days.
For designs, quotations and order please email or call Faith.